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Passionate Bites

Passionate BitesTen hot vampire romance novels by NY Times & USA Today bestselling authors.Do you like stories that are a little bit decadent, indulgent, delightfully perverse, and dirt cheap?! I have teamed up with 8 other authors for a vampire…

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Vampires Giveaway!

I had so much fun chatting with Arial Burnz over at PNR Radio about my vampire and paranormal books. Viola Rivard is also there and there is a great giveaway for a KINDLE FIRE and I am giving away audiobooks!! Don't…

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SEAL’s Promise Audio Clip Chapter 1

Listen to the first chapter of SEAL's Promise narrated by the ever wonderful J.D. Hart. SEAL's Promise releases on Tuesday November 11th.[soundcloud url="" params="auto_play=false&hide_related=false&show_comments=true&show_user=true&show_reposts=false&visual=true" width="100%" height="450" iframe="true" /]Buy Here:Amazon Amazon UK Amazon Canada Amazon AustraliaAmazon FranceAmazon GermanyiBooksBarnes&Noble - coming soon

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Heavenly Lover Featured on Audible!

Claire, an unconventional Guardian angel sent to save a sexy Brazilian-born painter from killing himself, discovers Daniel has been preyed upon by a powerful dark angel posing as his best friend and agent.Although successful in saving Daniel's life, Claire is…

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