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Never Quit: Plan B

More about this guy who never quit. We should all have it so tough. Look what he overcame. When I think of all the sacrifices others have made so I can have a "normal" life, sometimes taking for granted my…

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Not Quitting

Nano has been a bust for me this year, and unless I pull "two-dayer", which I don't do any longer, I will not make the word count. Of course, I could figure my edits in that, but they aren't new…

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Don’t Give Up

I had a full day yesterday. We had the keynote luncheon speech by Sherrilyn Kenyon and today I got to talk with her for a few minutes and get her to sign her book.She has been on the NYT Best-Seller…

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Never Give Up, Never Surrender

I loved Galaxy Quest. The law of unintended consequences made this a funny twist on real vs. simulation. The "simulators" became real, actually accomplished in reality what they were acting in the show. On day "F" I blogged about Failing…

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