O is for O La La!
We had an unexpected fun day yesterday. After running some errands in the morning (I can spend a fortune in a tractor or farm supply store), we had lunch. Our latest Sunset Magazine was at the mailbox, and we noticed an article on Airstream Hotels. Yes, hotel rooms where you can rent an Airstream trailer for the night. Voila, there was one in Petaluma.

But first, the Metro Hotel. The colors are inspiring. Look at that red, that brilliant blue. Look at the old piano and the antiques. they have an old child’s desk in front of an old blackboard in a room overlooking gardens. All the eclectic things I love.

Looking at tractors and galvanized troughs for planting beds, tomato cages and special garden tools sends me into orgasmic fits of…..whatever. Working the soil does the same. Picking my organic flowers and vegetables too. But the thought of making my entryway an eclectic fun place to be, and having a writing cottage made out of an old Airstream excites me no end. We’re even thinking about an Airstream campground on our property for guests. Writer’s retreats? You name it, I’m excited by all the possibilities.
Don’t forget to catch the other A-Z Blog participants by clicking here.
Thats sounds like a wonderful idea to me. Years ago i read about a woman who had tea parties in an old train carriage. I love the idea of a colourful piano in your hallway, look forward to seeing the pics
We even have an old Nash convertable we want to turn into a planter one of these days. The old red paint is wonderful! Yes, I'll send the pix.
How fun!
Color brightens my soul. And finding new, unexpected things…
I like that idea. Those shiny Airstreams have always called to me. . .
Me too. Come back again and visit.
I really enjoyed this article. Anyone that loves tractor/feed stores, wants to paint old pianos, has orgasmic fits over garden tools and likes Airstream trailers– has their head in the right place. Love it! ":)
LOL, thanks Raymond. It was such an inspiring day and I'm glad you could enjoy some of the zaniness and miracle of it all…