It never ceases to amaze me how traveling far away from home changes my perspective on things here. I’ve met some wonderful people and those memories linger and warm my heart.
Traveling on a big cruise ship from Italy to Brazil was something we decided to do on a whim, almost. We got some great rates and decided this year, with my Dad’s passing last year, and the family being scattered about, Don and I could get away and enjoy something we haven’t done in years. In fact, I think it is the longest trip we’ve taken in 42 years. That’s what kind of slaves to our businesses we’ve been.

I’ll be taking the next few posts describing some of the trips and places we visited. It was a magical time. Of course, one of the highlights was finishing up the audio book of Fallen SEAL Legacy, which has been released the day after Christmas on Audible/ACX and iTunes. What a joy it was to be writing my new book, while listening to the golden voice of my spectacular narrator, J.D. Hart. I am so grateful he has agreed to collaborate with me on these projects, which I think my fans will enjoy for years to come. It helped me focus on my SEALs and all the reasons I love to write them.
I come home with a renewed spirit. The world isn’t as large as I thought it was. We are more connected with other peoples from all over the world than I thought. We were the only Americans on the ship, and I hope we did our country justice.
i really enjoyed your posts and pics, it will be exciting to here more. Wish you all the best with audio of Fallen, i throughly enjoyed Accidental with JD Harts wonderful voice
Thanks, Julie. I thought of all you guys all during my trip. I agree about my talented narrator! He's the best.
Sharon, So wonderful to hear your inside peeks into your sea voyage and writing journey. Love it! Can't wait to hear more!
Really does sound like something you'd do, right, Beth? I'm thinking we may hear something similar. It was a complete inspiring trip from start to finish.
Great to share your travels. Looking forward to seeing how you use them in the book.
Thanks! I almost have too much information. You know, from all the travels to far parts of the world you have done. We use what we have around us, don't we?
Welcome home, Sharon. Writers: Don't annoy them or they will put you in the story and it won't end well for you. 😉
LOL Judy, yes indeed! It was fun, the staff would come up and ask me how the book was coming. Some of the wait staff would tell me little stories of what happened on one cruise they were on. It's like a patchwork quilt of a lot of people's stories. Rich fodder, for sure. Once I get it all down, I have to reel in this sucker so it doesn't go to 100k words.
That's wonderful that you enjoyed your trip. It sounds like it would be an amazing experience. Thank you for sharing. 🙂
Tina, it was. So wonderful to be out on the open seas. I think I'm hooked! And what a place for a SEAL story.
Hola Sharon, I wanted to say that I'm very glad to have this opportunity to meet a special person like you and will gladly give you feedback after every book I have the pleasure of listening/reading!
I'm am very sorry that you have lost your father so soon. The death of a loved one brings a pain that nothing can alleviate except time and the knowledge of God's promise of a resurrection (if you're a believer).
I'm very happy to see that your trip has re-charged your batteries, which hopefully means more goodies for those of us who yearn to lose ourselves in the fantasies you so remarkably create. Thank you so much for that 🙂 Like I said on Facebook, I have to go to bed, now it's 3.30am. I told you I'm a day and night gal. One day this body is just gonna say "no". Goodnight my friend!, Conchita xoxox
Thank you, Conchita – I appreciate those comments about my dad. I am a believer, was raised in the church. I tell people I'm a Christian with a bent antennae! lol. That's just me. A twisted sense of humor, but still adhering to good principles of love and honor and the faith we were made for bigger things than just living our lives. I too appreciate your friendship. Thanks for seeking me out and let's stay in touch.