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New Cover for SEAL Endeavor

Just like when I released Accidental SEAL, I created a short, SEAL Encounter, a prequel to the full length book. It has sold almost as many copies as the Accidental SEAL. This book was 12 weeks in Amazon's top 100…

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Back into my Edit Cave

You probably won't see me for awhile. Back into an editing cave for a week+. Fallen SEAL Legacy is going into some heavier edits than I expected, but that's good news for readers. Won't be out in November. Now looking…

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Those That Didn’t Make It Home

Tomorrow, June 28, is the anniversary of Operation Red Wings. We lost several SEALs in that raid, which is chronicled so well in Marcus Luttrell's great book, Lone Survivor. Luttrell is also one of the SEALs Dick Couch wrote about…

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Accidental SEAL is out now!

So excited that yesterday Accidental SEAL was up on Amazon. It was my wedding anniversary, my daughter's birthday, I picked up my youngest at the airport for my other son's wedding on Saturday, and my first in the SEAL series…

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