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Welcome Author Charlene Wilson

Today, I'm hosting talented author, and sister blogger on Ravencraft Romance Realm,  Charlene Wilson, who is celebrating the release of her new book, in a followup to her Cornerstone Deep series, Cornerstone Deep Echoes. Welcome, Charlene! Tell me how you…

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Do Romance Readers Have More Sex?

We'd love to have you weigh in on my blog today over at the Realm. What do you think? Does your fantasy life carry over into your marriage or your primary relationship? Is that healthy? Do we all need…

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Interview with Delilah Devlin

Hop on over to and see my interview with Delilah Devlin, and read a free excerpt. Also read a free excerpt from Tina Folsom's new novel, A Scent of Greek: Out of Olympus. There are freebies, and a chance…

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