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The House at Sunset Beach

Sunset SEALs (Book 5), a continuation of the SEALed at Sunset story.

The House at Sunset Beach a Book by Author Sharon Hamilton

SEAL Team 3 member Andy Carr is liking his Florida digs – the call of the seabirds and the roaring of the ocean at his back door. Sunset Beach is also the place where he found his soulmate, Aimee, rescuing her from an abusive relationship with another teammate – a sticky situation that nearly lost him his Trident.

But they’ve embarked on renovating the little house at Sunset she found while they were falling in love, and this house means more to them than just glass, wood and sheetrock.
Andy begins to reconsider his membership in the Trident Club and is called in another direction as Aimee also searches the bars and halfway houses for her long lost brother after her ghost sighting of him.

He vows to protect her until his last day on earth, but Aimee can run into trouble all her own, especially when he’s gone overseas.

Now that they’ve found the perfect love, the perfect house to consider laying down roots and raising a family, will echoes from their past destroy the harmony of their romance? Andy always fights to win, but what if he loses?


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Books in the Series

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SEALed at Sunset a Book by Author Sharon Hamilton
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