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SEAL Brotherhood Continues!

SEAL Under Covers is Book 3 in my SEAL Brotherhood series. I knew when I wrote Book 1, Accidental SEAL, that the missing SEAL, Armando Guzman, would have his own book eventually. Book 3 is his. He was born in…

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B is for Blue Angels

 I've always been fascinated with the Blue Angels. Their death-defying feats have thrilled crowds for decades, flying sometimes within 2' of each other. My friend, Tina Folsom and I had just returned from a Monterey RWA meeting, and as we…

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My Personal Blog Winner

And the winner is: Dita Skarste from Latvia! Congratulations, Dita. Your packages are on their way. And you'll get them before Christmas. Her name was chosen at random from over 80 entries. She gets a paperback version of Accidental SEAL, and…

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Black Friday Blog Hop

Welcome to the Black Friday Blog Hop event. This day is about you: the freebies, the swag, the new authors you'll get to discover. And you don't have to get out of your house or brave the long lines and…

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New Cover for SEAL Endeavor

Just like when I released Accidental SEAL, I created a short, SEAL Encounter, a prequel to the full length book. It has sold almost as many copies as the Accidental SEAL. This book was 12 weeks in Amazon's top 100…

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