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F is for Falling In Love

F is for Falling In Love! Welcome to Day 6 of the A-Z Blog Challenge. I'm talking about a month of gratitude. Where would we be without love? Do you remember that fuzzy feeling in your belly when you've just…

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E is for Envy

Welcome back to day 5 of the A-Z Blog tour, 26 days of gratitude. E is for Envy, the Enemy of gratitude.  My screaming little impetuous child self that has no sanity wants Everything, both what is mine and what…

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D is for DOR

I have a special connection to the Navy SEALs, and editing my first SEAL romance, writing the second in the series I call SEAL of Honor. We were just in San Diego this past weekend, and I never hesitate to…

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B is for Believe

Welcome to Day 2 of my 30 days of Gratitude for the A-Z Blog Hop. B is for belief. One of the reasons I wanted to do this blog hop is that I forget to say thank you for all…

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A is for Angel

Welcome to my first post in the 2012 A-Z Blog Challenge. I've decided to do a month of Gratitude, starting with the letter A. Angels. I am sure there have been Guardian Angels watching over me for much of my…

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A-Z Blog Challenge

I've decided to choose a theme this year in the A-Z Blog Challenge, which starts April lst and goes the entire month, or until we get to letter 26. This will be the second year I have done it. I…

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Being Thankful for What I Do Have

A much wiser person than me said one time, "Don't compare your insides with someone else's outsides." I have to remind myself about this all the time. Isn't it interesting, then, that I should pick careers that are highly dependent…

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The Silver Dollar

I was raised in the church. My grandfather started off as an evangelist, but he was one of the good guys. I learned early on what the meaning of love and sacrifice meant. My brother and I would visit him,…

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Welcome to 2012

2011 Has been a good year. But then, I say that every year. We either get lessons, or we are blessed with abundance. Or we get both. I think 2011 was one of those. One of the things I want…

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