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Destiny of Love is Coming Soon!

Do you believe in destiny? I hope you said yes... Destiny of Love is the continuation story of one man's journey through PTSD toward healing and recovery, and then learning how to cope with new family issues while staying solidly…

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B is for Being Unstoppable

BEING UNSTOPPABLE!  This is Day Two of the A-Z Blog Challenge, and Being Unstoppable is something every writer needs. There are ups and downs in this business, most of them emotional. I never thought being a writer would require so…

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Since it's Red Friday, I thought I'd take an excerpt from one of my SEAL Brotherhood Series books. This one is from the upcoming book SEAL My Home, which releases 3/31/15 but is on preorder now. Just like in SEAL'S…

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SEAL’s Promise Audio Clip Chapter 1

Listen to the first chapter of SEAL's Promise narrated by the ever wonderful J.D. Hart. SEAL's Promise releases on Tuesday November 11th.[soundcloud url="" params="auto_play=false&hide_related=false&show_comments=true&show_user=true&show_reposts=false&visual=true" width="100%" height="450" iframe="true" /]Buy Here:Amazon Amazon UK Amazon Canada Amazon AustraliaAmazon FranceAmazon GermanyiBooksBarnes&Noble - coming soon

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SEAL of My Heart Now in Audio! #audiobook

SEAL of My Heart Now in Audio!SEAL of My Heart, book 7 in the Seal Brotherhood series is now available in audio format from Audible!  Listen to a snippet below and be sure to grab your audiobook copy today![button link=""…

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