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Christmas Bite a Book by Author Sharon Hamilton

Finishing A Story I Loved

Most of you know I'm known for my SEALs. And a lot of you know I started writing thinking I would be a paranormal writer. Our house had burned down, and I was taking a break from all the high-pressure…

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Making Soap

Family Traditions

Most of us have fond memories of the holidays when we were children. I can still remember making Swedish Tea Ring with my grandmother Christensen, in her kitchen in Fresno. My little hands worked the dough, and sliced little holes…

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Never Quit: Plan B

More about this guy who never quit. We should all have it so tough. Look what he overcame. When I think of all the sacrifices others have made so I can have a "normal" life, sometimes taking for granted my…

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Not Quitting

Nano has been a bust for me this year, and unless I pull "two-dayer", which I don't do any longer, I will not make the word count. Of course, I could figure my edits in that, but they aren't new…

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Playing With The Food

We have a small gathering this year, which suits me. We've also opted out of the gift giving for Christmas, but will do some things for the grandkids. On Black Friday, I'll be participating in the Black Friday Bloghop, checking…

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