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Feeling Lucky for Christmas?

My dear friend, Tina Folsom has come up with a huge marketing idea that has caught fire. I thought all my wonderful followers, whether you be writers or entrepreneurs, could benefit from her discovery. First, let me say that what…

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Heavenly Lover is Here

I found out the hard way that the title of your Indie-pubbed book does make a difference. I loved the title of my paranormal romance, Angel. It finaled in contests under that name. I liked the simplicity of the one word…

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Interview with Delilah Devlin

Hop on over to and see my interview with Delilah Devlin, and read a free excerpt. Also read a free excerpt from Tina Folsom's new novel, A Scent of Greek: Out of Olympus. There are freebies, and a chance…

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Welcome Author Tina Folsom

I am pleased to welcome an incredible writer, and one of my best writing friends, Tina Folsom. You may have read recently in Forbes and the Washington Post how such talented writers as Bella Andrade and Carolyn Jewel have had…

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