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New Year: Do You or Don’t You?

Are you one of those people who buys about ten planners and by the end of February, hasn't kept up with any of them? That's me. I've started the New Year super organized, and started the New Year haphazardly, and…

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National Novel

What I Learned From NaNoWriMo

I started doing NaNoWriMo back in 2012. I attended the Night of Writing Dangerously in San Francisco for two years straight. I learned to write with people talking all around me, coming up and interrupting my flow. I learned to…

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Palm Trees

Palm Trees and Other Ventures

We've decided to live temporarily in an apartment we own while we get our Diesel Pusher ready for the long travels ahead. I've found that working on a new project is somewhat healing. The building has great bones, built in…

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Planning Writing Year

Planning My Writing Year

Every year I start planning my writing year in the fourth quarter. When I used to coach Realtors, my line would be, "The most important quarter of next year is the last quarter of this year." That way, when you…

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