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Thanks for the Gift of Your Today

I found this inspiring inscription at the Superior Court building in San Francisco. I was taking a tour, with a number of my writing friends. Employees there had created a wall to honor and thank the Vets who served in WWII.

It may be too small to read, but the inscription was credited as being carved by an unknown Marine on a rock outside a temporary graveyard on Iwo Jima.
I remember hearing a speech Colin Powell gave several years ago, when he said (and I paraphrase): “These brave men and women sacrifice much, sometimes all they have. All they ask is for a little patch of ground on which to be laid to rest.”
Kristin Lamb had an inspiring blog yesterday, giving thanks for all the freedoms in her life she is able to enjoy, due to the sacrifice of a few. I think she says it better than I ever could, so I won’t try. Memorial Day–To Those Who Give the Ultimate Sacrifice.
We do have a lot to be thankful for. Just being able to post something here and not worry about the boots coming to my door to take me away is huge, especially for a writer. There were times that wasn’t always so. Some things are better, and much is still to be done.
Memorial Day is something special in our home because we have relatives in the military. I go to the services at Franklin Park Cemetary where the sounds of flags flying is louder than the din of traffic. There’s a board with the picture of those who have fallen during the last 12 months, and a place of honor set aside for the family of that loved one in the front rows–a place I hope never to occupy. I look into the eyes of a grieving family: parents, children, husbands and wives, grandparents, friends. Maybe my being there somehow helps.
And then I vow never to let another day go by that I don’t thank them for the freedom and blessings in my own life, paid for by their precious gift.
And go out and live my life to the fullest, which is the only way I can truly honor them. I’m not going to waste their gift.
What about you? Do you have a special someone you thank on Memorial Day?

Comments (4)

  1. Hello, Sharon. My dad was in the Air Force and my brother the Marines. Both came home, thankfully. I get very teary-eyed when it comes to things military and the sacrifices our men and women in uniform make on a daily basis. Thanks for the post. I hope you and yours are well.


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