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B is for Being Unstoppable

BEING UNSTOPPABLE!  This is Day Two of the A-Z Blog Challenge, and Being Unstoppable is something every writer needs. There are ups and downs in this business, most of them emotional. I never thought being a writer would require so…

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Letter A

A is for Another SEAL Book

A lot has changed since I last did the A-Z Blog. Some four years ago, when I did my first one, I was still shopping my Accidental SEAL out there, looking for a home. I had written three paranormal romances,…

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2013 The Year of Collaboration

When I look back on 2013, I think the most remarkable change in my writing has been the collaboration I did with other writers, and other artists. This Valentine's Day we are launching SEALed With A Kiss, an all-SEAL anthology…

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Saying Goodbye

I am moved by events that happened today to some dear friends who experienced a tragedy. I know they are struggling with the pain that they must bear very privately, and how I wish I could take some of the…

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SEAL Under Covers out today!

SEAL Under Covers, Book 3 in the SEAL Brotherhood Series is out as of today. This is Armando's story: Navy SEAL Armando Guzman has just returned from a difficult tour in Afghanistan only to find his sister still making choices…

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T is for Traveling Home

I'm sitting here at the Kansas City Sheraton reflecting on the last week of meet and greets, craft workshops and meals with friends. Some of these people I've known for years on the internet. Some are new friends in every…

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S is for Shakespeare

S is for Shakespeare…in Middle School Today I’m proud to allow my daughter, Jaime, post the “S” for Shakespeare. She is a 7th and 8th grade English and Humanities teacher, and loves her work. Her kids are working on Shakespeare.…

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QR Codes

Back to finishing up the A-Z Blog, and welcome back. Here's what Wikipedia says about QR Codes: The QR code was invented in Japan by the Toyota subsidiary Denso Wave in 1994 to track vehicles during manufacture. It was designed to allow high-speed component…

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