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M is for Leslie Moon

M IS FOR MOONDUSTWRITER. Part of the reason I love the A-Z blog is all the new friends I make. I would not have met these people otherwise. We practically have nothing in common, except that we are poets, writers and…

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Lake Ozette

L is for Lake Ozette

L IS FOR LAKE OZETTE Have you ever taken a hike or walk through the forest and been so moved by the power and beauty of nature that you literally broke down and cried? I did. The rainforest in the…

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Too Many Choices


KILL OFF THOSE OPTIONS!! Get rid of the choices and things become simple in a hurry! Sometimes getting to the bottom can be a good thing, because it eliminates your choices. On the floor, only way to go is up.…

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Letter I

I is for I Smell Sheep

I IS FOR I SMELL SHEEP! Welcome back to the A-Z Blog Challenge, those of you who are playing along this game. I've met some wonderful people so far and followed some awesome blogs. I did an interview with a…

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Letter G


Getting great happens when we keep working. Giving. Going. Webster's uses terms like, ample, being beyond average, mighty and intense. I love intense, can't you tell? I also love fun. A fellow traveler told me, "Do what others won't do…

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Happy Easter


DOING EVERYTHING. We never know what will take off. We do things with intention, do things by accident, and sometimes the accidents work out amazingly well, sometimes the well-intentioned plans do poorly. These days I'm sort of thinking about life as…

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Heavenly Lover a Book by Author Sharon Hamilton

C is for Count My Blessings

COUNT MY BLESSINGS. I forget this all the time. With so much abundance all around me, I forget to say thank you. I used to travel with a friend once a week, and we'd talk about our lives, our families, situations…

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