DOING EVERYTHING. We never know what will take off. We do things with intention, do things by accident, and sometimes the accidents work out amazingly well, sometimes the well-intentioned plans do poorly. These days I’m sort of thinking about life as one giant roulette wheel. You spin it, and it arbitrarily lands wherever it does. A huge game of chance.
But not really.
Those of you who follow my blog posts know that I’m a huge fan of “playing big.” In the real estate business, we used to say to agents, “play as if you’ve already won.” There are times when we question our abilities, and want to “quit” mentally from giving it our all. Luckily these things don’t last long for me, and I’m pretty good about picking myself up, and usually holding up a couple of others at the same time. Can’t help it, I raised 4 kids and sometimes I still feel like I’m raising kids today.
So the secret of success would be that we’re out there playing big. We may not know where that roulette wheel will land (I have gambling on the brain because I’m writing this from Las Vegas), but we can control whether or not we take our turn. Opportunities are there, but only if we take them. Leading the horse to water, etc….Bella Andre paid me a nice compliment when she told an audience at the San Francisco Writer’s Conference 2 years ago that she always gave writers advice they could bank on, but few really followed up or did what she said. And she complimented me on being one of the ones who listened, and executed her pearls of wisdom. I call them pearls of wisdom. She’s far too humble to say it. But I will! Thank you, Bella.
So, here I am, taking chances, meeting people, saying yes more than no (and learning which ones to say no to as well), trusting that I’ll get to work with people’s highest selves and good part, learning when I don’t, and paying it forward, both upwards in the food chain and down. It makes no difference where I am or what it means.
It matters that I play. That I DO EVERYTHING.
Happy Easter from the bottom of my heart.
If you want to follow along on the A-Z blog hop, click the button at the bottom of this page and you will be directed at random to some other blogger’s posting for today. We’re in this together. Every day a new letter. Today was a catch up.
Life's a gamble for sure. I hope more of your chances are beneficial. Have a good Easter. Good luck in Vegas
Life's a gamble for sure. Hope all your efforts are beneficial. Have a good Easter. Good luck in Vegas
So true, life is a gamble, sometimes we win, sometimes we loose, but as long we keep hope alive, there will be more winning in the future. Happy Easter!
Fellow A-to-Z Challenge participant.
When I saw your name, I knew I needed to visit your blog because I have read some of your books. I love SEALs as the heroes!
As for your post, I believe you have to be in it to win it. And playing big will lead to winning big. Just takes patience.
Excellent and true. If we don't take chances, we're not in the game.If we're not in the game, we lose by default. Risk vs. reward long term outlook, prognosis positive! Thank you for taking a chance on me my Angel.
Thanks, Julie! Vegas was good for me in not all the way I could have predicted, just like this post. Thanks for stopping by.
Hope you and your wonderful family had a nice easter too. Keeping hope alive I think is why we also are so attracted to romance, with the happily ever after. Thanks for being on the journey with me.
So well said, Amaryllis! So glad to have you here, and please come back some time. I love my SEALs. They play the same way, in or out. Just like Chris Kyle said in the movie, "Baby, I'm all in." when he talked to his future wife. "I'm done." They make the decisions and act on them. I love my SEALs too, and so wonderful to hear from someone who has read me. Please stay in touch!! I've got a newsletter and other things and a brand new website coming out this month!!
J.D., my pirate prince, no chance involved. Chance brought us together, or as Depok would say, Synchrodestiny. It was meant to be, but we individually took the steps to finding each other. Now that we have, we'll be friends for life.
From the first few words I heard, I knew you were my storyteller, and I must have know much more too. I value our friendship almost as much as I value the working relationship we've developed. 14 books now. Wow. Such a rare thing in this day of throwaway relationships and loyalty that lasts just a minute. You are awesome, my friend, and believe me, I'm the lucky one! Thank you for bringing my books to life.
Hi Sharon, I'm stopping by from the A-Z challenge.
If you don't play, you won't even be in the running for that win – great advice!
Annalisa, writing A-Z vignettes, at Wake Up, Eat, Write, Sleep
Beautifully spoken my Angel. I call it serendipity or diving guidance. We'll have to argue about whom is the lucky one. lol
Also, I love what you said about this day of throwaway relationships and loyalty. I dislike that very much. I believe in relationships and friendships that last a lifetime. Oh yesa, we will be friends for life.I wouldn't want it any other way. Vera nice. Always!
Forever and forever. Maybe a few other lifetimes too!
Analisa! Thanks for stopping by again today. Yes, my experiences in other things I did before writing so correlate to my "new" career. My favorite mentor always said:
Show Up
Pay Attention
Tell The truth
Don't get attached to the outcome.
Words to live by!
It helps us to have a positive attitude and do the necessaries, plus the stuff beyond!
J.L. Campbell – The Character Depot | A-Z Challenge Co-Host
Indeed J.L.! Always start with that. Inspiration comes from that, I believe! Thanks for stopping by.