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O is for O La La!

We had an unexpected fun day yesterday. After running some errands in the morning (I can spend a fortune in a tractor or farm supply store), we had lunch. Our latest Sunset Magazine was at the mailbox, and we noticed…

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N is for Navy SEAL Prayer

By Reverend E.J. McMalhon S.J. LCDR, CHC, USNAwards Ceremony SEAL Team One 1975 At NAB, Coronado Dear FATHER IN HEAVEN, If I may respectfully say so sometimes you are a strange God. Though you love all mankind, It seems you have…

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M is for Marliss Melton

We live in an exciting time and place. Because of the internet, I have been able to forge friendships with people I might never meet. Luckily for me, sometimes I get that rare opportunity to meet a truly inspirational person,…

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L is for Life Finds A Way

Spent the last couple of days being really down. I know all the tricks and gimmicks. I kept doing the things that I know eventually will bring me out of this funk. But last night, I didn't want to even…

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H is for Hero

Welcome back to day 8 of the A-Z Blog Challenge. Did you expect that I'd do an "H"  blog with something other than HERO? When I first began writing, I knew that in romance the author always had to have…

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G is for Gardening

Oh that magical time of year! While I still have narcissus and white daffodils blooming, the cineraria are coming on strong in their shades of purple, pink and violet. My hydrangeas are budding and the roses look stronger this year…

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E is for Ethos

The definition of Ethos is: Greek word meaning character, that is used to describe the guiding beliefs or ideas that characterize a community. Here is the Navy SEAL Ethos Creed: In times of war or uncertainty there is a special…

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