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S: The Sexiest Man in Print

This is a reprint of a blog I did back in 2010. It was an interview with Jimmy Thomas, cover model, actor, martial arts practitioner and all round great marketing guru. No matter how you slice it, Jimmy Thomas is…

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R is for Ride the Back Roads

Welcome back to the A-Z Blog Hop Challenge, Letters of Gratitude. Today is the letter R for Ride the Back Roads. We took a drive today in West Sonoma and Marin Counties. If you don't know where that is, it's…

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Q is for Quiet

Welcome back to the A-Z Blog Challenge, and my Letters of Gratitude. Q is for Quiet, especially the quiet hours of the morning. The favorite part of my writing day is the very early "wee hours of the morning," as…

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P is for Persistence

Welcome to Day 16 of the A-Z Blog Challenge, and my Letters of Gratitude. I've said it before here on my blog: We OVERESTIMATE what we can accomplish in a day and UNDERESTIMATE what we can accomplish in a year.…

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O is for Open Hand

We are over halfway there on the A-Z Blog, letters of gratitude. I'm grateful you're here, too. Did I say that before? Open hand. When we think about it, and open hand is an invitation. A calling to take someone's…

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N is for NEXT

Welcome back to day 14 of the A-Z Blog Challenge and my Letters on Gratitude. N is for NEXT. When we began this race, we expected to win. We didn't plan to lose. But something came along, and got in…

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M is for Mother

Welcome back to day 13 of the A-Z Blog Challenge, and my Letters of Gratitude. I had a lot of choices for the letter M. I'm running 2 days Late, which could have been the one I did yesterday for…

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L is for Love

Welcome to day 12 of the A-Z Blog Challenge, and my theme of Letters of Gratitude. I think I can safely say I have been addicted to love. Hardly been a time in my life when someone else wasn't at…

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K is for Kindness

Welcome to Day 11 of the A-Z Blog Challenge, letters of gratitude. When I was in my 20's, I couldn't understand how anyone managed to like living to be 50 or 60 or older. I would look at people's faces…

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J is for Journey

Welcome to day 10 of the A-Z Blog Tour, and my month-long topic: the letters of gratitude.  J is for Journey. A much wiser person than I once said that our lives are not about the destination, but the journey.…

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