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Happy Easter


DOING EVERYTHING. We never know what will take off. We do things with intention, do things by accident, and sometimes the accidents work out amazingly well, sometimes the well-intentioned plans do poorly. These days I'm sort of thinking about life as…

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Heavenly Lover a Book by Author Sharon Hamilton

C is for Count My Blessings

COUNT MY BLESSINGS. I forget this all the time. With so much abundance all around me, I forget to say thank you. I used to travel with a friend once a week, and we'd talk about our lives, our families, situations…

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B is for Being Unstoppable

BEING UNSTOPPABLE!  This is Day Two of the A-Z Blog Challenge, and Being Unstoppable is something every writer needs. There are ups and downs in this business, most of them emotional. I never thought being a writer would require so…

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RED FRIDAY MEANS A FREE READ!!To celebrate Red Friday, here's a tease for you guys who follow the blog.  This hasn't had the final finishes, but you get the general idea..  Enjoy! Tell all your friends!(Excerpt SEAL My Home):As she…

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Since it's Red Friday, I thought I'd take an excerpt from one of my SEAL Brotherhood Series books. This one is from the upcoming book SEAL My Home, which releases 3/31/15 but is on preorder now. Just like in SEAL'S…

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