A visit to the doctor reminds me of how fragile life is. I’m well. But I get to see a lot of not-well people. And right now experiencing some un-wellness in my immediate family. Along with new birth. I guess I’ve begun to get it, now that I am 6 decades old: life goes on. I can scream and yell and protest its passing, but it still goes on as if I never said anything.
I guess that’s why writing has become so important to me. Taking stories from real life and weaving them into other worlds is what we do as writers. And we take the pain, the emotions, from those life events, and use them. I blogged today about Editing Woes over at RRR, and one of my points was that the reader reads for the emotions in the story, the emotions of the characters, the love scenes, not just the description of what went on and who did what to whom.
We are cheering Ethan’s birth and how strong he is, while we are saying goodbye to my dad, who has lived a wonderful life, and been the best dad a girl could ever want. Good time to remind myself it’s not all about me, but the people around me. My job is to feel. Sometimes I run away from my feelings because they are just too much to handle. But my job is to feel, and then write them down.
We don’t get do-overs like some of our characters get in our stories. Actually, that would make an interesting story concept. Life is not permanent. Neither are feelings. What we do about it is. We love babies because we know we are only going to be around long enough to perhaps see them get married and perhaps have children and grandchildren of their own. These little ones, in the beginning of their lives, will know us, the older ones, at the end of our lives. We each get to discover what the world is like before or after the loved one has been born, or passes on.
It’s a pea soup kind of day here in Sonoma County, which is good for the grapes. This misty fog means I can be a bit lazy with my watering, I’m tempted to make a fire, but know my house will heat up like a firecracker soon enough. My hubby is away getting inspiration from a mastermind meeting, and I anticipate seeing lots of friends at the Silicon Valley Romance Writers meeting tomorrow, where I will be a panelist and hopefully will give some nuggets of things I’ve learned along the way.
Book sales are going well. Accidental SEAL has been in the top 100 for Amazon Kindle paid sales for 9 weeks in a row and made some serious money. Over 13,000 people downloaded Honeymoon Bite on a free promotional 4 day blog, and it shot to #1 for Fantasy Romance for 3 days in a row. Same thing happened in June for Heavenly Lover. So, despite the occasional stinker review (which doesn’t affect sales at all) people are liking my books. I don’t go trolling for the 300+ reviews like some do. I have a problem with faking things to look like they aren’t. Just being honest and taking my lumps as they come. And writing is the best cure for anything that ills me. Anything.
My family is safe for now. Prayers go out to those that have suffered with loss of life: the SEALs and other military men and women who have made the ultimate sacrifice recently, and all their families who proudly bear the mourning. The people who have lost their life in senseless acts of violence, and their families. My shock and dismay at the truth being distorted so much in our political campaigns, and all the hate it spews. How people fall like lemmings after slogans and catch phrases like “war on women” when we have more opportunity here than anywhere else in the world. And people have died to make sure it stays that way. I was thinking we were going to take the higher road this election season. I was wrong.
So I guess with this theme of what I have and don’t have, in the going and the passing of life, what I’m feeling today is being connected.
And that’s a good thing.
I am so happy for you. It's a joy to read of your success. You've worked so hard. May you and your family continue to be blessed.
Dearest Sharon, I'm so sorry for the sorrow and pain you and your family are going through right now. Make the most of the time you have with your beloved Dad and just let him know you are with him all the time. God is Love and death is not the end John 5:28-29. Heavenly Father permits death… for now… but soon he will put an end to it and we will all be reunited with our loved ones again, so it's just a see you later and not a forever goodbye. I will pray for you and your Dad and send you love and hugs to keep your heart whole <3 xoxoxox
Sharon, I am glad Eathan has come into your life at this precise time… he will help you with the pain. Children are a true blessing 🙂
Ethan truly was a blesssing, Conchita. We are most grateful for this.
This was a repost from 2012, so yes, my dad left us in December, and got to see Ethan before he passed. Thank you for your heartfelt prayers…
OMG I'm so stupid and sooo sorry for your loss Sharon :'( I'm so glad your Dad got to meet Ethan. When Ethan grows you can tell him all about your wonderful father and he will have the chance to KNOW him 🙂