DISNEY AND WRITING ROMANCE – I am Alice in Wonderland
When I was little, my parents gave me a record player with one red button on it. The arm was red, and the volume control was on the right side. It played a number of 45 rpm records such as Snow White, Cinderella, Peter Pan, Alice in Wonderland, and others. The machine, like the one pictured here, had Alice in Wonderland characters painted on it.
This may very well be the exact machine I used to listen to those many many years ago. I was about 3. We had a large house in Oakland, California, and the upstairs had three bedrooms and two attic doors. We later had boarders, “the grandmothers” who helped my parents with expenses. But for a long time, I was alone in the entire top floor of this old home. My fantasy life bloomed into something so strong, I know it will always be with me forever.
We raise our kids on all sorts of stories now, such as Star Wars, Harry Potter and others. But back then, I think the very first records for children were fantasy love stories I listened to over and over again.
Alice In Wonderland is celebrating it’s 65th anniversary this year. Perhaps that’s why this RCA Victor record player had those characters. But my 3 year old mind and heart was stolen by the fantasy of true love. It has been something I carry with me to this day. I can still hear the songs, the music and the voices. I see the dancing. The idea of finding my handsome prince and dancing off in the moonlight is a vision for my generation that will thrill me until the day I take my last breath. I’ll sail off to that other world, and hope to meet every one of my fantasy men, who will of course greet me like the queen of romance I am!
We’ve just spent a week in Orlando at Disney World. Children and adults from all different cultures and races can relate to the magic of family, of love, of finding a place that is safe and wonderful, and, for a few hours, forget the cares of the world and just explore their own childhood. John Lennon’s words come to me, “Imagine all the people…” and I saw evidence that people could stand side by side when they have at least one thing in common. We don’t ask what we don’t share. We live by the things we do share in common.
I guess I could call Disney World and Disneyland (my home turf) my Mecca of sorts. We bring the grandchildren there to share with them what we shared with our kids. Our kids share their love of fantasy with their own children. It’s an indescribably wonderful way to spend a few days together, memories that will last a lifetime. Because we never know when we’ll be separated.
I once talked to a partner of Disney who said WD had taken his daughters to a park and found the merry-go-round animals had chipped paint and some of them didn’t work. He vowed that when he built Disneyland, “It will be a place with no chipped paint and everything works.” His legacy lives on.
My worlds are internal. I am the stoker of the fire. I plant the seed and the reader takes that and grows it into a fantasy of their own choosing. Maybe I am the cage around the tomato plant, that keeps it from falling over. I losely guide the reader here and there, like a painting instead of a photograph. This is fiction. Blurry, fuzzy fiction, with enough grit, heartache and emotion to make it just real enough to ask the reader to come along on the ride.
Aside from trends, the writer in me knows I have to keep it fresh, and unlike other authors. My voice has to be unique. I have to weave universal themes such as true love, love heals, love conquers, and love everlasting. I’m not a billion dollar business (yet), but I’m inspired by the world building and that little touch of magic Disney has given me. I’m grateful my childhood was the way it was, every part of it, even the parts that weren’t so much fun.
How lucky I am. I create the fairy tale of the ball, the handsome prince, and the big beautiful blue dancing gown. Oh yes, and the promise of Happily Ever After.
And you do it adventurously and charmingly well. 🙂
Thanks so much, Judy. Adventure, just like Alice. Not sure where I am going or what time it is, but adventurous, yes!
Carry on with your fantastic fantasy. We love reading your gorgeous, courageous heroes and their heroines
Thank you so much, Julie. Greatly appreciated!!!
Great post like always and I'm so glad you had a great time with your family
Your grandkids are adorable
Thanks, Karen. it was even fun eating a hot fudge sunday in the thunder and rain. Such is Florida. I had a wonderful time, and it's such magic to know these images and memories will be part of my grandchildren's lives forever.
You are the stoker of the fire my princess! Thank you for this wonderful post!
Thank you, my handsome Prince Charming! The best is yet to come. So excited to be on this journey with you. How did I ever get so lucky. Can't wait to see you in Nashville soon. I could call it research, but it's way more than that.