Things We Do On Sundays
Romance readers get to do things on Sundays other people never do. They get to travel with Navy SEALs, conquering bad guys and falling in love with strong, courageous women.
They get to travel back in time with warriors of immortal and noble lineage.
They get to live in palaces with knights, kings, princesses and handsome princes.
They get to fly with vampires under the full moon.
They know about all the great spots to have a Sexy Sunday Picnic.
Flowers are brighter to romance readers. Kisses are slower and more sensual. Sex is beautiful. Talk is sometimes cheap and dirty. Sometimes it’s passionate. Rain is sexy. Eating ice cream can be orgasmic.
Good wine flows at all the right times. They share sunsets with handsome heroes.
Romance readers get to turn off the news more. They turn on their devices and get transported anywhere else with a listen to an audiobook. They are often seen smiling, in the middle of traffic. They sometimes don’t even mind that it takes them longer to drive somewhere.
They get to fall in love every day. They discover new stories and authors all the time. They explore new worlds with heroes who have superpowers.
They think reading is sexy.
What are you doing this Sunday?
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