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Why 2017 Will Be My Favorite

There are a number of things I am grateful for in 2016. It was great for a lot of reasons: 1. I survived. ? 2. Got sick and got well. ? 3. Finished 5 books. ? 4. Weathered some breakups,…

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D is for DUTY

Welcome to day 4 of the A-Z Blog Challenge. D is for Duty. Visited one of the offices of the Wounded Warrior Project in Fayetteville. The words on the bottom of their card read: Duty, Honor, Courage, Commitment, Integrity, Country,…

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Never Quit: Plan B

More about this guy who never quit. We should all have it so tough. Look what he overcame. When I think of all the sacrifices others have made so I can have a "normal" life, sometimes taking for granted my…

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Playing With The Food

We have a small gathering this year, which suits me. We've also opted out of the gift giving for Christmas, but will do some things for the grandkids. On Black Friday, I'll be participating in the Black Friday Bloghop, checking…

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Being Grateful for the Long Path

I am filled with gratitude. Great friends. People around me willing to join the journey, lending me a hand, giving me encouragement. Family living as examples. I'm at a doorway. A changing of the guard. Almost feel like I'm walking…

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V is for Violas

I love violas. They are cheerful, easy to grow, and make me look like I know what I'm doing as a gardener. They are perfect for filling in a potted grouping - they just grow where there's space and fill…

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