Spent this morning having a very naughty breakfast with my son. It was naughty because I’m sure it was about 1500 calories. I had a waffle with real maple syrup, applewood cured bacon hand harvested/cured just over the freeway by an artisan butcher, good cappuccino, and fruit. Then the table next to us had these chocolate looking things covered in powdered sugar and I had to have an order of that, too. I ate one, brought the others home for a late night snack, with the homemade berry jam on the side. Our favorite restaurant for this mother-son bonding time is Spinster Sisters.
On the way, I opened up a packet I’d gotten yesterday in the mail, and low and behold, my Sisters On The Fly membership certificate, card, patch (you know I love patches, right?), my blue bandana and newsletter arrived. I’m so excited to join this group. Next year, on my bucket list, is to buy an Airstream trailer, deck it out with red romancy things and take it on the road
with these gals for a few weeks. The rules of this group:
No men. No children. No pets. Play nice.
I am so in this group. I am going to have a ball traveling with these ladies. Here’s what their newsletter says:
“Our purpose is really very simple: to re-introduce the idea of making girls out of women in glamorous camping and outdoor activities.”
Formed by two real-life sisters and honoring the amazing mother they were fortunate to have, Mazie, they named their group Sisters On The Fly because they like fly fishing (Ask me if I know how. Ask me if I care. Ask me if I’m going to learn) and they were never home. The more I read about the Amazing Mazie and her “sense of style including her red cowgirl boots and her evening martini, cigarette and occasional cigar” who passed on two days before her 95th birthday last year, the more I was hooked. My granddaughter’s middle name is Mazie. I own the red cowboy boots. The rest are just details.
Our Mission Statement
As a group of women, we challenge ourselves in all that that we set our mind to. There is no age, color, religion or political group. All women who want to share in the adventures of “sisterhood” are welcome. This “sisterhood” has grown to over 4,000 women since its inception in 1999:
We encourage you to join us on one of our adventures and let yourself be spoiled rotten, learn to fish, to be a real Western Cowgirl, run rivers, and enjoy pure highway traveling fun. The best part is meeting all those new sisters you didn’t even know you had. Our members range in age from 21 to 94, with most being in between. And just remember , our rules are simple…
“No men, no pets, no kids… and be nice.”
“See ya’ there!”
Can you see a romance: Travels With Mazie? Can you imagine what my romance-themed red interior Airstream will look like? Oh I do wish I could spend the entire day thinking about all this, but I have to get back to SEAL’s Code.
If someone had told me that life after 60 was going to be better than the first 60 years, I might not have believed them. And it doesn’t have anything to do with hospitals, walkers or wearing purple. It’s about romancing the life that I was fortunate to be given. Loving the people I’m fortunate to call friends. Write the stories of my heart and grow young. I love this philosophy of making girls out of women. What an adventure, and thank you all for coming along with me! Are you game for some fun!
Over and out. Permission to come in HOT!! Sister #5799, also known as Sharon Hamilton.
Another marvellous post. Congratulations on your certificate. I hope you have a wonderful time. Take lots of pics and I know you have lots of research for your wonderful books.
It will be next summer. Have my eye on the Airstream, and then have to afford to do the renovations. Lots to do this year, but 2016, I'm going to do it!!
Wonderful post Sharon. That is going to be an amazing experience. I can see you now in your customized Airstream. Good times on wheels in pirate/gypsy style. What a life!One question though…can all girls with no men and pets play nice? It will make for a great story! Love you.
LOL J.D. I certainly hope so. With enough alcohol and cigars, though, things might get heated up! Love their spirit and I'm sure they've had to enforce the rules from time to time…I think women tend to play nice most of the time when not under pressure…OXOX