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Binding Flash

SUNDAYS WITH SHARON: Romance At 35,000 Feet

It’s all fun and games until someone
winds up in a cone.

I’m looking down at the US from above the clouds, on my way back to California. I never know what I’ll discover when I go on these trips. I have given up making long lists of things I want to accomplish. Besides, being a storyteller, I kind of like letting things go the way they go, not the way I go. Still, I can’t help but have a few expectations.

I needed this trip, because nothing that I expected to happen, actually happened. I say this in a good way. I wasn’t feeling that way last night. In fact, I sort of cried myself to sleep, asking myself why I did this in the first place.

But the beautiful thing about morning is that it is a new day and a fresh start. I hit the reset button. I read a little meditation this morning that talked about telling the truth, and I discovered (huge palm to my forehead), I’d forgotten to do so.

First let’s talk about the weather in Orlando this time of year. Humid, raining torrentially and then next minute so sunny and hot, when I walked outside, my glasses fogged up. People used to this didn’t blink. California is dry and almost never humid, or at least not enough to fog up your glasses.

I knew going in that most the authors would be unknown to me. I knew of no readers who were from this area, and I didn’t do any advance promo because, well, my head was frankly stuck in another world in the weeks prior to the convention (truth coming with the fresh morning).

I participated in panels, participated in an online interview with my narrator, J.D. Hart (which was fun), all unscripted and without all the proper equipment, and listened to what panels were saying. I got two really great marketing ideas out of it. And of course, I got to spend time with my storyteller, who has become my best friend and biggest fan.



Blinding flash of the obvious

He was the grounding device I needed, and I’m so happy I had him come to help with the signing, and just mingle with other authors and readers, who always love him.

I also met my PA’s incredible 13 year old kid, who is doing things with YouTube that made my jaw drop. I heard this morning he hadn’t been looking forward to telling me about it, but I understand he enjoyed it, and his mom was sure proud. This awesome kid stood there, discussed what he does just like any college professor. I knew I was in the presence of greatness. Honest.

In short, I got what I was supposed to get. God gave me these cards, one of those unlikely hands that you don’t have much hope for, but brings you everything you really need.

I’m happy to put back the crown as Queen of the Universe. I’m just a writer. I make mistakes, I enjoy some of them more than others. I just keep opening the doors and being willing to let in what’s supposed to be there.

It was a perfect trip, not for what I got, but for what it was. It was everything I needed, and more.

I know this has happened to you. Love to hear about it? Are sometimes our unexpected miracles the best afterall even though they might not look like them at the time?

Comments (13)

  1. Orlando loves you Sharon and so do I. A bottle of red, a bottle of white, whatever kind of mood your in tonight…I'll meet you anytime you want in our Itallian Restaurant. 🙂 You were amazing!

    1. Thank you, my handsome prince, and you were amazing too. What a performance that meal was. Academy Award like kind of presentation. So special to have shared it with someone who understands a great performance. I was thrilled you came, and so excited we get to laugh at all these things the crazy world has in store for us all. Thanks for always being my partner, with your quiet charm and unselfish heart. Thank you Thank you thank you.

  2. I'm so glad the sun came out for you after the storm the night before. Sometimes it's best not to dwell on the unknown because our minds can conjure up all sorts of things and then reality sets in and it's nothing like we imagined. Each day has it's own surprises that we have to take in our stride. I'm so glad you had your friend, your prince to hold your hand through the adventure for he is very generous and has a great "Hart". I'm glad you replaced the uncertainty with a positive experience! 🙂

    1. Thanks, Conchita! That means a lot to me. Yes, it was a perfect time, for what it was and who I got to spend it with. Always love seeing you here…We get the most out of life I think when we don't try to change it, but learn to be honest and just love the freedom we have in living every day.

  3. Life is an experience. Sometimes we have wake up calls in the most unlikely places. We don't realise how lucky we are, we take things for granted and worry. Sometimes trying something different brings rewards we didn't expect

    1. Totally agree. There are no true failures. And this never was a failure, just a couple things that didn't happen, that I'd wanted to happen. But again, letting the door open to the universe of the new, is where it's at, and learning from the experience, instead of getting mired down in regrets. Thanks for being on the journey with me.

    2. Indeed. It was a very useful conference. I learned a couple of things promotion-wise that will mean a big deal to me, so yes, it was very useful, and yes, spending time with J.D. is the best thing that could happen to a girl!!

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