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Why 2017 Will Be My Favorite

There are a number of things I am grateful for in 2016. It was great for a lot of reasons:

1. I survived. ?
2. Got sick and got well. ?
3. Finished 5 books. ?
4. Weathered some breakups, shakeups and uncertainties with grace and a pinch of humor. ?
5. Better prepared for the travels ahead. ?
6. Kept my focus, realigned my purpose, learned about some new opportunities. ?
7. Welcomed the New Year with an open heart, and a head full of stories. ?
8. Reinforced the power of gratitude and being light-hearted at the right times. ?
9. Re-fell in love with falling in love ALL-IN. ?
10. I start the year off being INSPIRED.  ???

So, here are some things I’m focusing on this New Year’s Day. Hope you can join me along the way some of the time. We have a lot of work to do together, you and I. I can’t wait. How about you?

MY 2017 FOCUS:

1. I write every day because it is my life.
2. I’d rather be in a book or story than anywhere else. It is my reality.
3. Concentrate on creativity and the flow will come.
4. Expect to be amazed, not understanding everything. Amazed, like a child.
5. Be a well-used character in my own life like a favorite toy and much-loved soul.
6. Pointy people grind the rough edges off me and make me shine.
7. Circumstances REVEAL a person, they don’t make a person.
8. Getting up and getting started now is the most important attitude to have.
9. Learn from everyone, everything. Seek lessons like jewels.
10. Show gratitude, grace and humor more than anger, frustration or hurt.
11. Be loveable more than right.
12. Understand but keep to my side of the fence.
13. Have compassion but be strong enough to tell the truth.
14. Feel the healing power of love.
15. Take more chances, feel deeper, understand the strength to let go when needed.
16. I can’t fix anybody. ANYbody.
17. Walk with other warm hearts and bright spirits. Close my doors and windows to negativity.
18. Notice, nurture, never forget.
19. Lead with love and kindness.
20. Hug the little girl inside me every day.

Hope you’ll join me…


Comments (12)

  1. That's powerful stuff my princess. There is greatness and wisdom in your thoughts and words. They become action and action becomes destiny. So honored and excited to be taking this journey with you. 2017, I can't wait!!
    xoxoxoxoxoxox, YP

    1. Love having you at my side again this year, and always, J.D. We tangle a golden fabric, don't we? Each from opposite sides of the universe, but through one heart. Happy New Year, my prince!


  2. I love ALL of these 🙂 Thanks for sharing and inspiring to consider some of them for myself. A very happy and healthy new year for you and your loved ones. May it also be filled with lots of professional successes.

  3. #20 resonates with me. We need to remember to take care of ourselves as well as others. Thank you for sharing your thoughts. 🙂

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