Mr. Mike the King of Tats
I’m still halfway back in San Diego, except I’m drunk with the beautiful sight of our green hills in Northern California Wine Country. The grasses are still short, and the green is way longer than it usually is. In a month it will all be brown. I kind of enjoy that too.
Birds are out in earnest, making nests and soon I’ll have little families popping up all over my porch overhangs. My garden is being weeded and worked on starting tomorrow. I’m going to be frugal this year, because other changes are in the wind. More about that at a future date.
I head off to Milwaukee to the Barbara Vey Reader Weekend, seeing lots of old friends and meeting new ones. Last year I tried the sausage over a bed of fried macaroni and cheese. I’m passing on that this time. (LOL).
But my new tat is the highlight of my spring, lovingly applied by Mike, the former SEAL who charmed me with stories about his days twice as a SEAL with a ten-year hiatus between them. He became a biker and then returned to the SEALs ten years later.
He makes a pilgrimage to the Wall once a year, to visit some fallen brothers. Then he stops off in the midwest to visit a few friends he cultivated during his biker days. Some of them are in prison. But he makes that pilgrimage anyhow. A SEAL is a man who doesn’t leave anyone behind, alive or passed over. He honors that commitment with solemnity.
I have little in common with such a man, except to say that I admire his service, which is still ongoing. I have a pretty much cream puff life, compared to his. I’m living the life men died to protect. It never gets old to say that, or to wipe my eye when I think of it.
As I said last month, life isn’t perfect, but it’s life and it’s my life. I get to write the stories of my heart and visit with fans and people from all walks of life. We have far more in common than we have things that separate us.
If we just look for it. Wait for it. Embrace it.
Oh yes. Did you preorder SEALed At The Altar? You know you want to! Enjoy your Sunday, and your week. Safe travels to those who I’m going to see in Wisconsin later on!
Hi Sharon:
I enjoyed meeting you at the Bingo seesion at BVW last year! So much so, this year I’m at your luncheon table. (I’ll be wearing my pink camo shirt. ?).
Safe travels…see you soon.
Amy! Outstanding! Yes, we had a great time last year. I have some great goodies this year again. I’m so happy you could come back again. I arrive late Friday, but I’ll be around Sunday morning, and of course Saturday.
See you soon!
Safe travels Sharon. Have fun at the BV event. I hear it’s a blast. I’ll see you next month at Valley Forge, hopefully. If not I’ll see you in Aug. at Valley Forge. I can’t wait for the August event!
Take care,
You got it, Deb. Yes, I’ll be at Unmasked The Romance. I have to support Renee and I love that place! I think our first-ever all-military event will be outstanding.
See you in a month, my dear!
Wow that is really cool and would to see a closer pic of your tattoo.
What? And show you my wrinkled Senior Citizen skin? LOL. That’s as close as I can get, my dear…A lady never shows or tells her age.
But when I see you next, ask me, and you can have a private showing. It isn’t anywhere too dangerous! Thanks.
Awwww Sharon, I am so excited you finally got a tattoo from Mike, but I thought we were supposed to get that done together?
So sorry we weren’t together. Next time. I wasn’t sure I could fit it in, but was in San Diego for a signing. Hope you are doing well…Mike was a blast.
Okay, I am going to hold you to that. Yes, Mike is amazing. I adore him. I have never met anyone like him. He is so spectacular. Truly one of a kind. We need to get together, I miss you!
Kellie, It’s a deal!
Love the tattoo safe travels and have a great time
Thank you!
Thank you for honoring the service our military give. Each your books reflects the respect we all owe.
Indeed we all do owe them all respect. We can never thank them enough.