I thought life after (well I’m not telling now because someone said I should stop talking about it) was supposed to slow down when you’re semi-retired. OK, retired. Not if you’re a writer.
I’m sitting here in the Admiral’s Club lounge, waiting for my flight back to San Francisco, and I’m looking over my notes from the fantastic mastermind conference I just spent 3 days at. Wow. And, like I told many there, I feel like I’m flattened to the wall, plastered with a firehose of information. My first reaction was to burst out and cry after the first day.
I have so much to do!
Some are little: tweaking, changing some blurbs, perhaps changing some covers, arranging my schedule. Others are huge, like rebranding my entire series, tossing all my covers and even titles! EEK!! redoing my website (I’m heavily invested in this), even combining or rewriting books. I’m not going to do all of those.
This move, selling the house, was good for me. I have no more excuses. I’ve learned to embrace change. I’ve been looking forward to the new routine becoming more familiar and “friendly” to me.
Uh-oh. Except that’s not the right attitude. The only way I’ll keep growing as a writer is to keep changing. So this third step isn’t “getting comfortable with the new routine”, it’s “pushing myself into more change.”
And I paid money for this?
Yes, I did. But it’s all good. It’s also nice to be inspired by a group of women half my age. I’m learning from women who are the ages of my daughters, doing fantastic things.
I think the day I’ll truly have to worry is when I stop sending myself to these environments, stop wanting to change, stop embracing the full-on feel of being so freaking enthusiastic that it scares me.
That’s the place where the magic and color of life is!
Oh yes, do you know my new book is out today? SEAL’s Goal is out on all platforms. You’ll love it!
You Got This
Thanks, Denise!
Give yourself some credit. You’re no slouch. Learning new tricks is good at any age. But have fun with what you learn. We don’t want it to turn into something you hate because you feel pressured.
Sharon, Take a deep breath, relax & say a prayer. You are a very awesome author & person. You will take all these changes in stride. Enjoy & love your Seals…..don’t worry, you can Do this. Chin up & carry on.
Always look forward to your releases!
Don’t be to pressured on doing it all at once. Retirement is suppose to be more leisurely. What works for one might not for another. Wishing you all the best
What everyone said and more. Change is good and should be embraced but only if it’s going to work for you. Remember that whatever you decide your fans love you. We’ve got your back!!
Don’t throw the baby out with the bath water! Your work is excellent!
The main goal of the writer is the constant development in the right direction. This makes his activity more in demand every year.