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There’s That Rain Again

I’ve been blessed with two adventures to warm country: one to Hawaii in December and one to Florida and the Caribbean this month. And now I come back to the rain.

The trade-off is that I enjoyed myself, spending much-needed time with other author friends and readers, and family, despite the fact that I didn’t get as much work done — okay, being totally honest, got practically no work done. I should know better. And the older I get the more it happens that way.

But I come back refreshed and anxious to dive into my writing. Just so happens I also had a ton of promotion to do as well, which is a little stressful for me. It isn’t one of my strong suits.

But, like old friends, my hero and heroine waited for me to continue to polish up my next story, which I love. And it’s coming easily. Got the days lined out and my grid of goals and my brand new office, which is very inspiring to me.

No pictures for this post because once I came back, my iPhone quit updating. Time for another dreaded visit to the Apple Store. As I’ve said before, the waves part when I come in, and suddenly the salespeople don’t make eye contact. I think they’re saying, “How can she make a living using computers when she gets so mixed up?” when I leave.

The nice thing is while change is disruptive, it’s also stimulating and gives me the opportunity to grow. I might learn something about this syncing some day, who knew? And it’s perfect that my brand new planner is late in arriving — the one that’s supposed to keep me focused?

Oh I do love shiny objects and windmills. But I’m in the home stretch and time to put on my big panties. My bed is the most comfortable one I’ve ever had. The apartment is brand new. My desk is uncluttered (yes I have a few unopened boxes), but there’s light there, and a door I can close.

The most valuable possession I have right now is my concentration. And, of course, the love of my writing. It is the Happiest Place On Earth.




Comments (4)

    1. Thanks, J.D. It’s a fun journey to be going on with you as well. I’m so happy we get to spread joy and all those warm feelings out there in a world who needs it badly. Sometimes I think people have given up on love.

      1. You’re so right. I don’t think the world has ever needed love more than it does now. We are hopeful romantics, soldiers of love. For people such as us, we can never give up. Love must prevail.

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