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I thought life after (well I'm not telling now because someone said I should stop talking about it) was supposed to slow down when you're semi-retired. OK, retired. Not if you're a writer. I'm sitting here in the Admiral's Club…

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The Outcome is the Outcome

The Outcome is not The Outcome

I am blessed by some of the collective wisdom of several other writers I follow, and one email this morning touched me more than most. The writer, Neil Strauss, was talking about how we are so goal-oriented, that we focus…

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Giraffes Fire Update

Fire As The Villain

In my new release, coming out Tuesday, Love Me Tender, Love You Hard, I used fire as the villain, not a person, like I usually do. As I was finishing up the book, the fires had just started in Southern…

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Moving and Hot SEALs: Oh My!

I won't lie. I LOVE this piece. Sort of sums up my life at the current time. I'm an eclectic mix of traditional and quirky, all tied up in a collection of "found" pieces like this artist depicts. He doesn't…

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My Roots Will Have Wheels

I woke up this morning and cried for the third time in 24 hours. Not tears of joy. Last night before I went to retire, all three of my dogs perched on my bed, as if asking, "Are we coming…

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Happy Father's Day

Father’s Day Greeting and News!

I've said it before many times, it doesn't take much to father a child, but to be a father, that has nothing to do with Biology, and everything to do with Heart. I have had the honor of knowing several…

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I Wish You More

I Wish You More…In A Tiny Space

The adventure continues. I write this post, getting ready to leave for my book signing at Lori Foster's #RAGT18, while at the same time putting back my office after nearly 2 weeks of painter experience. Those of you who have…

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Hot Guy Reading

Things We Do On Sundays

Romance readers get to do things on Sundays other people never do. They get to travel with Navy SEALs, conquering bad guys and falling in love with strong, courageous women. They get to travel back in time with warriors of…

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