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Tucker Gets a Cone

Tucker Gets A Cone

Tucker's days of being a care-free teenager are over. He had his little "visit" to the vet, and now is adjusting to the cone they placed on his neck to keep him from getting at the stitches. He knew the…

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Heart Quilt

Where Stories Are Born

I find meeting other authors, readers and the social interaction with people in general to be very stimulating. I percolate with ideas whenever I come back from a conference, or signing or get-together. I am planning on some serious brainstorming…

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SEAL Museum


Yes. I'm all in for SEALs. I have some precious mementos, collected during my journey as romance writer. One of the most cherished items is my plank from the Navy SEAL/UDT Museum in Fort Pierce, Florida. I am a supporter…

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Why 2017 Will Be My Favorite

There are a number of things I am grateful for in 2016. It was great for a lot of reasons: 1. I survived. ? 2. Got sick and got well. ? 3. Finished 5 books. ? 4. Weathered some breakups,…

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Pearl Harbor

Pearl Harbor

In February, I attended a writer's conference in Hawaii, organized by the wonderful author, Violet Duke.  It was my honor to sponsor a tour of the Arizona Memorial. I've been before, but wanted to make it so others who hadn't,…

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Little Brother Retires

My Little Brother Retires!

My little brother, after years of commuting from Petaluma to the City and beyond, is retiring. I'm so happy for him, for his roses, his garden, his lovely wife and his beautiful daughter. They will finally get to spend more…

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