My Little Brother Retires!
My little brother, after years of commuting from Petaluma to the City and beyond, is retiring. I’m so happy for him, for his roses, his garden, his lovely wife and his beautiful daughter. They will finally get to spend more time with this wonderful man.
Would you believe in all the years growing up and even now, we have never argued? I mean, not once! Considering how I seem to get into it with other family members from time to time – not often – but I speak my mind – we’ve never had a cross word. I don’t know how that happened, but nothing was important enough to blow our friendship over.
Getting up to Roseville was a long 2+ hour drive in nearly bumper-to-bumper traffic. And coming home was no different. My husband drove 5 hours total yesterday, but it was so worth it. I left my purse there, but luckily my daughter will return it to me today.
Darrell has lots of things he wants to do with his time – volunteer work and things he’s never had time for until now.
Will I ever retire? I laugh to think my YOUNGER brother is retiring. Do any of us ever really retire? I don’t think so. Not if we have a long, loving and family or friend-filled life. Not if we do the things of our heart and soul. Not if we bring value and love to other people’s lives.
Our parents are gone, but I think the spirit of their love and support was there yesterday. We shared many memories of family events from the past, and many of the cousins and relatives from nearby, some driving greater distances, shared in the celebration. We miss those gone, but we celebrate life and life’s changes.
Oh yes, and I got to pass out some bookmarks. Like I said, I don’t think I’ll ever retire. And that’s a good thing, right?
I retired early just over 5 years ago, because I wasn't very well. Best thing I ever did. Although it was only part time I was getting fed up with having to wait around for a bus home, although it wasn't that far. I don't know where the time goes some days. I love reading, listening to audios and going to the cinema. I'm going to make more time to go to Wales to see mother and family. She's 85 this year, although she's had 2 new hips she still does the bulk of her cleaning in a big house and is sharp as she ever was. Lives just taken a new direction and as we never know what's for us, I'm enjoying while I'm here.
That sounds magical, Julie. I've been to just about every other portion of the UK, but not Wales. Yes, we have to enjoy what we're given. The daily stringing of stories and memories together, like quilting, like gardening, is the stuff that's really important, I think. Somehow I think you'd agree.
Congratulations to your brother!
The thought of those voices becoming silence makes me want to cry. Does any writer ever retire? 😉
I think not, Judy. We get to hear voices and they call it craft! We are the lucky ones, right?
Unless I can get a job with UPS a little closer to home (it's an hour commute right now) I'm retiring from here in 9 years. I'll be 55 and I'm tired of driving an hour to and from work. I don't plan on not working at all but will be getting something closer to home. I am actually thinking of going back into the health care field as a close friend is opening an assisted living home close to me. I worked in that field years ago and always enjoyed it. But as it's 9 years away I may change my mind on what I want to do after retiring from UPS. I may check out the trucking companies closer to me as I know I could do that after so many years in that field. Congrats on your brother's retirement and btw I hope you never retire I would so miss your stories.
Lots of love and hope you are having an amazing day. <3
Always so great to hear from you, Karen. Well, I've put in my dues, and so has he. Doesn't look his 65 years, does he? The commutes are bad, but then, I've been self employed nearly my whole life, so I wouldn't know what that was like. Not sure I'm emotionally employable…I guess that's why I never plan on retiring from writing. It think it will keep me young!