KILL OFF THOSE OPTIONS!! Get rid of the choices and things become simple in a hurry!
Sometimes getting to the bottom can be a good thing, because it eliminates your choices. On the floor, only way to go is up. Everything is an improvement if you’re not falling. Being at the bottom of the barrel takes away the fear of making the wrong choices. Of course, you give up peace of mind, and you are blown about by the wind of society. But your decisions are easy because you have less of them.
When you think of all the words that end in “cide”, like pesticide, suicide, homicide, we understand it means to kill off. But we don’t think about that with the word decide, which mans to kill off your choices, your options.
But that’s exactly what deciding is. We choose one course over another and forever altering our trajectory, our path in life.
I’ve always struggled with problems relating to concentration, because I have a touch of ADD. I was on a schedule to make so many cold calls and expired calls every morning, and nothing, except for a burning building, was supposed to interfere with my 3 hour block of sacred calling. I did it for nearly 20 years. But it never was easy, and I always struggled with my staying on task, focus.
My staff knew their salaries depended on me making my calls every day, so they bet me, and it was a lot of money too, so that I would stay and do my calling, not pop out into the reception area to ask about a phone call I overheard or remind them to do something I’d tasked them to do. I wound up paying the fine so many times, they felt bad about it and we abandoned the practice. The money meant very little to me then. But my pride and vanity did.
So, they came up with another idea. I had to wear my bathing suit in my office, and they’d lock the door on the outside. When I was done with my calling, I’d knock on my own door and they’d hand me back my clothes. This actually kept me on track for several weeks.
Until they all left early one day, left me locked in my own office, with my clothes on the outside of the door. I was forced to climb out of a window, in my bathing suit, and face the steady stream of customers walking past, watching me crawl out of a window in my bathing suit. Yes, I was the top-producing Realtor in Sonoma County at that time, and I was in a bathing suit, crawling out of a window. I had to go to the main office waiting room in my bathing suit, ask to use the phone to get my husband to come down to the office, unlock it so I could get keys to get my clothes back.
I have hundreds of stories about those years. I was so driven I was nearly crazy with that competitive spirit. The discipline I learned in those early days have helped me be a productive writer today, even though I still struggle with my focus and is probably the reason I have so much trouble reading manuals. I’d rather go to get a root canal than read a manual. Even the “Dummies” books are way too complicated for me.
Love to hear if you have some strange way to overcome some behavior you want to alter. I’ve spilled my guts. Now you spill yours! I have a free Punisher Tee shirt (inspired by the movie American Sniper), for one lucky commenter!
If you want to follow along on the A-Z blog challenge, click on the blue sunflower button to the right and it will direct you to the blog lists of those still in this game. We are nearly half way, and I’m on track! Go follow or read someone else’s blog and maybe you’ll find a new friend!
If you've ever watched The Big Bang Theory than you will understand why my hubby calls me Sheldon all the time. I was filling up an egg carton the other day and he hit my hand and broke an egg so I only had 11 eggs for the carton. I wasn't upset that he broke the egg cause the dogs love when we do cause one of them always get the broken egg. It was driving me crazy cause now I only had 11 eggs in the carton instead of the full dozen. Hubby laughed at me and then gave me of the eggs we keep separate for us to put in the carton
My hubby could tell you all kinds of quirky stories about and stuff like that but this one comes to mind cause it just happened.
LOL, Karen. Glad there are two of us!