The Study of Love and Romance
It is my guilty pleasure, I admit it. If I wasn’t a romance novelist, I’d be a romance reader and live in those books 24/7. The alternative to reading or writing romance? A world with not enough love in it. I live in a world where relationships magically happen and continually bring out the very best in all of us. Am I a better writer because I have loved so intensely? Or am I a better woman because I have written so intensely?
Of all the choices in my life, I think becoming a novelist has been my best one. I think, just like my SEALs, writers are born, not created. A hero is a hero from birth. We are surrounded by the ordinary all the time. Our fantasy lives enable us to live free from the earthly bonds of age, health, finances and opportunity. Not all of us will meet a titan of industry, a military hero or a man who knows everything about us and will always do the perfect thing to rock our worlds. But in our fantasy lives, that happens not just every day, but several times a day.
This addiction to studying love, falling in love, sex, finding one’s highest self, living in a world were all is possible and nothing is impossible, is something that will be with me the rest of my life. And it’s legal.
I scan the TV and look at topics on the internet and am amazed so few people live in the aspiration side of life, in the part where miracles do happen, where people find and do the right things. If I were to spend my focus on the “reality” of the world, all the signs point elsewhere.
So fantasy, love is my reality. I hope more of us join us there. I do think love can heal the world. I really do. This world needs a lot more romance, and a lot less rhetoric.
I’m just one of the grateful cheerleaders.
Love your thoughts, especially since I am totally in agreance. Thanks for sharing your talent
Thanks, Yvonne!
Reading takes me to places I didn't know I wanted to go. Over the years I'm so pleased that I've fallen in love with heroes who have been from historical, contemporary and out of this world. When I feel like it I can either re visit or find another to read and love. Sharon we are all grateful for your amazing ability and great heroes. Because love truly makes life a better place
Best place to be. We need heroes. Always will. Women have loved them forever. Something basic in the concept of falling in love. And yes, it goes across all genders and cultures and religion. A world without love is dead.
People often recommend books, other than romance, for me to read. I wonder how well they really know me. I know about reality and the doom and gloom often found there. I'm not in denial it exists. I know. My romance novels help me remember that there's not only more to hope for but more importantly that it's beautiful and uplifting. If a book doesn't lift my spirit, I see no reason to keep it. There's enough in life waiting to drag me down. Books are one of my favorite ways to "counter the negative insurgency," as David Rutherford is teaching me. 🙂
Agree 100% with all this. One the bug gets you, you're bit!! It is the most basic and beautiful and life-sustaining message.
I agree 100% my angel. This world needs a lot more romance, and a lot less rhetoric. You are a soldier for love. I'm so thankful you are fighting for our side. xoxoxoxox, YP
Absolutely I am a soldier for love. Being a write3r isn't a job, it's a calling…But look at all the wonderful people I get to hang around… oxoxoxYA