It does feel good to spend time as a writer in the company of readers. It’s lush and feels wonderful! One of the best things about being a writer is to know that we are an important part of avid reader’s lives. It is an honor, and it also comes with it a bit of a burden, to continue to deliver content and new story lines. I’m up for the challenge!
There are lots of things we do to become visible, and I’ve lined out some of my concerns in my post of last Sunday here. As you know, I have some things about this whole field that trouble me greatly. But, it is the platform we have, it is the platform that has given me the ability to sell my books in the open market.
My own future direction is to stay in the vein of interest for readers, and not to artificially create it, which some forms of advertising and promotion feel like. Certain types of “fandom” experiences feel that way too. Yet, we want fans. How do we know when we’ve crossed the line?
I guess the readers get to choose. My attending events like this, I get to become a “person” they know, not just read. That’s important. I want to be generous with my readers, but I understand I won’t win them all. But they are my life blood.
I’ve seen first-hand how the ebb and flow of popularity can change in a year, in a few months, even in a week. The bottom line? Be ready for the long haul, and don’t get attached to any temporary setback. The long haul means basking in the glow of success, as well as plodding through the mud when we get discouraged. Most readers don’t understand how writers sometimes get discouraged.
I have a great life and a great family I don’t get a lot of time to be with. That has concerned be a bit this year. So, I may be cutting back on my travels and appearances. I’m going to choose wisely the reader events where I get good one-on-one interaction, not just ones where I party or get drunk with readers. That’s not me. My breakfast this morning, as a wrap-up to Lori Foster’s event, is just perfect: with either other wonderful ladies, where we got to talk about Navy SEALs, and hopefully answer their questions about me, my books and how I write. I love talking about my experiences. I also love it when family members bring new readers or members of their family along. Those readers I will do almost anything for.
So, you may not see me at the really big conventions. Not at the crazy conventions, or the ones where they specialize in over-the-top behavior. I’m a product of my generation, and a lady, even though I do write spicy books. Am I a non-fiction writer where I give 100% accurate portrayal of what being a Navy SEAL is really like? Heck no. I’m a novelist. I take stories and situations and make them into things I would like to read. I embellish! Some are based on true events, but most of them are my active imagination! And I think that’s what’s wanted and needed.
So, I go home to California tonight, thinking about getting into the next book to finish, spend time in my garden (some rescue will no doubt be needed, but not making anyone wrong for that), and some personal reflection time on what I want to do going forward. I know that I have some things I can assist my family in financially, and will be cutting away at other things so I can be a better contributor. It no longer is okay for me not to be available, or be traveling so much. Life is short and the grands grow up, and I want to be a part of all that.
So, it’s balance I’m seeking. I have a good life. I’m taking care of my health. I’m blessed with a wonderful family and have been very successful in all the businesses we’ve had. Part of doing something for me is not only being a romance writer, but being a better wife, mother and grandmother, and perhaps have some time for friendships. I’ve neglected some of these in the past, and that’s something I’m going to focus on most of all.
It’s always good every once in awhile to get off the treadmill and make sure that my goals and dreams are all aligned with what the rest of the family wants and needs. And then, of course, I can add that extra bit of sparkle and fantasy. My rose colored glasses are still firmly in place. But those glasses have given me far more in real life results than a magnifying glass ever could. It’s a balance of both worlds.
And I hope you’ll continue to join me there.
I look forward to continuing the journey with you. I have a tough time with conventions but recognize the value of connecting with readers, both to them and to me. Though we write almost opposite ends of the romance genre, I like to think of you as a mentor. I love your genuineness, your love for life and people and writing, your tenacity. Keep being you.
Judy, this means a lot to me. I think I like being a mentor, than a celeb. Just me, I guess. We all do this together. None of us, just like life itself, does it alone. And thank goodness for like souls. I so enjoy the walk with you, Judy. Always have. Always will.
As. A reader I want to go to places and situations. Specially reading romance I want solid stories, wonderful characters I can fall in love with and really good happy endings. I'm so pleased that your imagination allows you to write these for us. Conventions are fun but, can be overdone. Family and love are so important to our lives. Things can change in a blink of an eye. I think you are very wise to imbrace these special moments. Wonderful memories help us when we least expect it.
I agree completely!