The Chase for Great Story
Watched the documentary on Jerry Garcia and the Grateful Dead, Long Strange Trip. I’d never been a Dead Head, though I lived amongst people who knew them well, and have meet several of the Dead band members. I had to be introduced because I wouldn’t have recognized them. I sold a house to one of their Sound Engineers and he had to go see the property at 2-3AM to make sure the countryside was sufficiently quiet enough so, when he came home from work, he could sleep.
We don’t think about all the sacrifices people have to endure to make creative endeavors. How some endeavors overtake us, some make us whole and happy, and others haunt our very lives. I do understand the burden of having to be the leader of a band and a movement not of Mr. Garcia’s own creation. He just wanted to make music and help people have fun. Period.
I’ve said it many, many times: Circumstances don’t make a person. They reveal a person. How we react to the forces in our time on this earth is our choice, our focus. Some people try to change it, direct it. I see it like raising a child. You can’t tell them everything they will need to know to grow up straight, resilient, happy and strong. But you gently guide them and introduce them to different directions, and some of these may take hold. There is no right nor wrong of it. It’s what we do.
It’s the same for creative endeavors like writing a story. We fall in love with characters, bring them to the edge and just before they fall off the cliff, we save them. It could be something that randomly comes from their past, or something deep inside them and brings a strength they didn’t know they had inside until they are tested. Compelling stories in romance tell how a person becomes a better version of him or herself, due to the love relationship that changes their lives.
If I do it right, I take the reader on a journey. The reader knows things the character doesn’t yet know about. Of course, things have to be a surprise too, we want the character to do or say things outside his or her usual sphere, and we can have fun with that as they experiment with something new. We do this as writers all the time with our own worlds — I mean, the worlds inside and outside my head.
I had trouble sleeping last night, so I spent it with my characters, former SEAL Morgan Hansen and his ex-wife, supermodel and women’s empowerment guru, Halley (who still goes by the last name Hansen). In this story I’ve gotten to explore the chemical attraction between the two of them, now tempered with the passage of alone time, while her career has spiked and his as a former Navy SEAL has ended. Except, once a SEAL, always a SEAL, there is danger and a forced collaboration that results in an almost pre-determined series of events neither one is able to control.
You can preorder the book here: Bachelor SEAL
US: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B072BWYC76/?tag=sharohamil-20
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Amazon FR: https://www.amazon.fr/Bachelor-SEAL-Sleeper-SEALs-English-ebook/dp/B072BWYC76/?tag=sharohamil-20
Amazon DE: https://www.amazon.de/Bachelor-SEAL-Sleeper-SEALs-English-ebook/dp/B072BWYC76/?tag=sharohamil-20
Barnes & Noble: https://www.kobo.com/us/en/ebook/bachelor-seal
iBooks: https://itunes.apple.com/us/book/bachelor-seal/id1212824382?mt=11
Kobo: https://www.kobo.com/us/en/ebook/bachelor-sealAnd I love the idea of control as a theme, or rather, how we have little of it. We don’t control mother nature (our recent wildfires), or how God has made each one of us unique (the birth of my 6th grandchild, Lily Aria), or when we have set the forces of the universe on a particular path that will have a collision course with other forces in motion and out of our control.
Having fun. Eating doughnuts, drinking coffee, and I’m going to take a couple of hours off this afternoon for some grandbaby time.
Life is good. Another story is nearing it’s HEA. Once it’s out there, I will have no control. I think I like it better that way.
Great and informative post, Sharon.
Thanks, Gayle. The documentary really made me think about a lot of things. Very good for my creative edge. Thanks for showing up.
Life certainly brings some strange twists and turns. And yes, circumstances reveal who we really are. Best wishes on the new release!
Thanks, Judy. I'm really excited about this one.
Some onejust asked do you like cliff hangers , no way I love reading, and always wants really good happy ever after . I'm so pleased that you can get us another one to enjoy. I'm so pleased that your fires are under control and big congrats on being a grandma again. It's so nice when life is good . It's been impressed on me lately how , short life actually is, so we have to try and enjoy every moment. All best
Yes, life is short. We have to learn to enjoy what we have today and love the excitement of tomorrow. Thanks for being there today, Julie!