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When I was a full time business coach, I used to tell my customers, you must be easy to start and hard to stop. Everyone thinks they start from way behind the curve. They've procrastinated and now when they have…

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Pease Rose


Those of you who garden understand this. My mother used to spend hours and hours in the garden, just "playing with the plants" as she would say. She loved roses, which has become my favorite as well. I go for…

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R is for Ride the Back Roads

Welcome back to the A-Z Blog Hop Challenge, Letters of Gratitude. Today is the letter R for Ride the Back Roads. We took a drive today in West Sonoma and Marin Counties. If you don't know where that is, it's…

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P is for Persistence

Welcome to Day 16 of the A-Z Blog Challenge, and my Letters of Gratitude. I've said it before here on my blog: We OVERESTIMATE what we can accomplish in a day and UNDERESTIMATE what we can accomplish in a year.…

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F is for Falling In Love

F is for Falling In Love! Welcome to Day 6 of the A-Z Blog Challenge. I'm talking about a month of gratitude. Where would we be without love? Do you remember that fuzzy feeling in your belly when you've just…

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E is for Envy

Welcome back to day 5 of the A-Z Blog tour, 26 days of gratitude. E is for Envy, the Enemy of gratitude.  My screaming little impetuous child self that has no sanity wants Everything, both what is mine and what…

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