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Writing and Fruitcake

Are you a fruitcake lover? I have to admit I am. But like many others, there are parts of the fruitcake I love and parts, well, I try to avoid, even pick around. I love the candied fruit and the…

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Christmas Bite a Book by Author Sharon Hamilton

Finishing A Story I Loved

Most of you know I'm known for my SEALs. And a lot of you know I started writing thinking I would be a paranormal writer. Our house had burned down, and I was taking a break from all the high-pressure…

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National Novel

What I Learned From NaNoWriMo

I started doing NaNoWriMo back in 2012. I attended the Night of Writing Dangerously in San Francisco for two years straight. I learned to write with people talking all around me, coming up and interrupting my flow. I learned to…

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Ghost Stories by Campfire

Every time I walk outside and smell the firepits burning around the KOA, I'm reminded of those nights at camp when we told ghost stories that made us practically pee our pajamas. These were stories so horrible, no one dared…

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I thought life after (well I'm not telling now because someone said I should stop talking about it) was supposed to slow down when you're semi-retired. OK, retired. Not if you're a writer. I'm sitting here in the Admiral's Club…

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Campfire Stories

I'm learning to adjust to the Glamping thing. Our coach is everything I'd hoped it would be. Coming from a large two-story home on acreage, where I had my own bedroom, now sharing a bed with my husband and usually…

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Happy Trails

Happy Trails

Got here late last night. Petaluma has a great KOA, with a petting zoo, swimming pool, jumping pillow, and a dog park. We have a beautiful space with a large patio and chairs, an umbrella and a swing. I plan…

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Salute With Love

From 31,000 Feet

Even though I try to sleep on planes, I love to leave the window shade open, especially when I'm flying above beautiful cloud formations. Today, flying non-stop from Philadelphia to San Francisco, it was the same. With my favorite music…

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The Outcome is the Outcome

The Outcome is not The Outcome

I am blessed by some of the collective wisdom of several other writers I follow, and one email this morning touched me more than most. The writer, Neil Strauss, was talking about how we are so goal-oriented, that we focus…

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First Christmas

Fixit Day and Saving Frogs

Our metal garage door in the living room needed new springs and some adjustment so it could operate the way it should. As the two-door specialists were on their scaffolding, one of them greeted a bright green frog who had…

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